Task 1-on "Frame"
"Make a living"
Three promotional girls dressed in the same pink customs with a pair of sliver high heels. They are working for a cosmetic shop and forced to dress this way as part of their job. The customs are part of the promotion gimmick since the color is eye-catchy and normally people don't dress this way...The promotion girls may or may not like these outfits so much since we cannot see their facial expressions with their face turned back.
"In between"
Those three girls are wearing the same look that is hard to define. They are having the princess crown and angels' wings as part of the outfits...the color pink looks warm and girlish and silver looks cold and bold here. Dressing with crowns does not make them princess... Wearing wings does not make them look like angels...And the color pink and silver and such a contrast there...The outfits function as an overall promotional tool only and the details are not important.
Task 2- On using still photographs as methodological tool for fieldwork
Task 3- On using photographs as a means of presenting social research findings
First of all, there were 3-4 family members having breakfast together since there are around 4-5 dishes in the sink after breakfast. They had breakfast at around 10:20-11:20 and there are some rich on the kitchen table which, are no longer there at the 11:20 photograph. And they were having rice as breakfast...
And the breakfast lasted for 1-2 hours since the dishes are there in the sink since the 12:20 photograph. This family should had a long breakfast...
Then the dirty dishes are there for almost five hours in the photographs...it shows that this family doesn't usually wash dishes immediately right after meal. And from the 14:20 photograph, there are one more dirty dish in the sink; it shows that the family members are having some eating activities later.
What's more, the kitchen seems an important place for this family. The family should cook quite often...From the photographs, it is obvious that they have pretty much ingredients, food and cooking pans stored and used. And the storage areas are clean and tidy enough to show that it's cleaned regularly.
Also, this family has a tea drinking habit. There is a Chinese tea pot in all the photographs and a water boiling machine is next to the pot. And it seems this family cares about the drinking water qualities as well since they have a water purification machine.